How to choose the right course

Are you stuck deciding which subject, course type, or uni or college is right for you? Read on for our tips and advice on tackling this big decision.

What subject is right for me?

It’s important you choose a subject you enjoy and will help you reach your goals. Here are some things to help you choose the right subject for you:

  • Think about what you enjoy day-to-day – maybe this could be part of a future job role?
  • Explore different job sites and graduate career options to look for ideas on what you’d like to do once you've finished your studies.
  • Think about your career goals and the qualifications required as part of a person specification
  • Take a look at our subject guides to get an idea of the types of subjects you could study, and the industries graduates go on to work in.

Thinking about more than one course or subject?

It’s important you choose a subject you enjoy and will help you reach your goals. Here are some things to help you choose the right subject for you:

  • Think about what you enjoy day-to-day – maybe this could be part of a future job role?
  • Take a look at our subject guides to get an idea of the types of subjects you could study, and the industries graduates go on to work in.

Home or away: Where should I study?

Some students set their heart on a particular university, while others just want to choose the course they like the sound of best. Either way is fine, but make sure you do your research, as changing your university or college once you’ve started isn’t always easy. Find the right accommodation. Finding somewhere you'll be happy to live is an important consideration when you're deciding where you want to study. To help you make the right choice, use our accommodation search to research your options and find both uni and private student accommodation.

Here are five top tips to help you when choosing where to study: Attend an open day or if you can't visit in person, you can go to an online open day – we cannot recommend this enough. It’s an opportunity for you to meet the course tutors, see the facilities, and explore the area.

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